What exactly is matcha tea? I have tried many teas but must admit I have never had matcha. I found some interesting information about the antioxidant properties of this tea over at matchasource.com.
So why and how is matcha so much better for you than other teas?
Firstly the whole leaf of the tea plant is used with matcha. The entire leaf is ground to a bright green powder and the whole thing is ingested. Matcha literally means 'powdered tea'. And by the way, the brighter green the powder, the better the quality of tea.
Secondly, although matcha comes from the same plant as all other teas it is grown slightly differently. The final few weeks before harvesting the plants are covered with opaque sheeting to prevent light getting to the leaves. This encourages the plant to start pumping out huge amounts of chlorophyll and amino acids. These are the chemical compounds that prevent aging and chronic diseases.
You would need to drink at least ten cups of regular green tea to consume the same amount of antioxidants as one cup of matcha as illustrated in the graphics below.
Are you a matcha drinker? How do you take yours? Before you go, leave a comment below...
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