Sunday's painting.  She's still a WIP.  Need to rework those lips for starters...

It's funny how little errors become so noticeable after posting a picture.
I tried to paint during my teens and twenties.  If I had ended up with the image above I think I would have thrown a tantrum and given up painting forever... or at least until the next day.

Today and I can see all those little errors as an opportunity to improve - those wonky lips, those too small eyes...

Here she is after working on her a little more on Monday evening...
I'm still not sure if she is finished.  I'm sure I could do better on the nose and lips, but I'm learning to love my work - imperfections and all.

1 comment

  1. It looks gorgeous so far! Thayer is one of my faves. I tried one myself. Can't wait to see it finished.
