What is Reiki?

Back in March of this year I read about a lady who enthused her jewelry with Reiki before positing it to the buyer.  I thought it would be a cool idea for my sister, Susie G Designs, who had just started making gem stone bracelets.  (I'm so good at thinking of good ideas for other people).

I knew nothing about Reiki and wondered what magical powers and skills were needed to be able to do Reiki.  I Googled the word and was surprised to find everyone had this magic power inside of them.   All that needs to happen is an attunment to awaken the magic already inside of you, or in other words to realign your chakras.  It's all very simple and gentle.  In fact, it is so gentle you could even be attuned while sleeping.

Instantly I was in love with Reiki.

By April both my sister and I were attuned and on our thirty day self-healing journey.

Two online Reiki places that I can highly recommend are Dharmadevi's Reiki Blessings Academy and the Spirited Reiki online classes offered by Jodi Lebrun at Creative Life by Design

Learning Reiki can be quite overwhelming to the newbie.  I know I had lots of questions which mainly started with 'Am I doing this right?'  I loved Jodi's Spirited Reiki I class.  It was small and intimate with lots of personal attention and Jodi answered all my newbie questions.

I'm still at the begining of my Reiki journey with a long way to go but already I can feel the positive effects of the energy reflected in all areas of my life.  One of them being my creativity.

Here is a little piece I made in response to one of Jodi's creative prompts in Spirited Reiki I.  Hanging amongst my son's artwork.  Can you tell he is my inspiration and my muse?

My daily reminder of the Reiki principles...

Inspiration: Saori Kanda

This week we have been studying the Muse 'Spills' for The Modern Day Muse homework.
Watch this lady paint - I think you will agree she embodies 'Spills'. Her drips, smudges and spills are beautiful...

Her name is Saori Kanda. You kind find her website HERE.

It is said that the spontaneous style of Chinese painting came to be many years ago by an artist who would often drink too much wine before painting. He would drip and spill paint all over his work surface but jovially continue painting. It is unsure if any of his work still exists today.

Dream Board 2012

So can you tell what I'm dreaming of?

Karen Johnson Dream Board 2012

Sunday Morning Dream Board

I have a new favourite Sunday morning smell - coffee and Mod Podge!
The smell of creativity - what could be better?
Here's the dream board so far - still a few bits to add...

Karen Johnson Dream Board 2012

Boho Bliss

Deryn is giving away two places on her Boho Bliss workshop. 
Have I entered?  Too right!
I LOVE her jewelry and her classes are fantastic!
Take a look at her work on her blog here - Something Sublime. 

Deryn Mentok: Boho Hoops Jewelry Workshop

Dream Board

The house is in chaos as we wait for new kitchen counter tops to be fitted and most of the weekend will be taken up with Joshua's baseball games.  No idea if I'll fit any painting in so I'm going to attempt my very first dream board instead.  Images printed, magazines waiting, glue stick and scissors waiting.  Hopefully, I'll be back with photos.

Happy Saturday everyone.
Karen Johnson Dream Board 2012

Quote: William Arthur

I'm reading  The Nine Modern Day Muses (and  a Bodyguard) by Jill Badonsky and came across this quote.  

'Flatter me, and I may not believe you.  
Criticize me, and I may not like you.  
Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. 
Encourage me, and I may not forget you.'

                                         William Arthur, Author

I think there could be more encouragement in this world.  It's so easy to criticize, discourage and pour out negative feelings, but a little bit of encouragement goes a long way... often further than we can ever imagine...

Color: Blue / Green

I love this color.
Yes, even for hair! :-)

Color: Blue / Green

Color: Blue / Green

Color: Blue / Green

You can find the credits for these photos on Pinterest.

Math and Art

If you ever doubted that math and art are connected take a look at Vi Hart's series of videos on YouTube called Doodling in Math.

If you are a mathematician or an artist, I'm sure you will be inspired!

Here is a link to one of my favourite videos (1 of 3) about the Fibonacci spiral...

All Things British

Someone brought English biscuits into the office.  Along with that and realizing I'm missing all the Diamond Jubilee festivities has made me rather home sick.  So I've had a little 'All Things British' pinning frenzy over at Pinterest.
I think HRH Queen Elizabeth was quite a classic beauty in her time.
What do you think?
HRH Queen Elizabeth II

Chalk It Up, 2012

It was so much fun!
Chalk It Up completed my first year as a Hands on Art docent.  I had no idea what to expect at Chalk It Up but it was great fun.  The Tulita kindergartners decorated their five foot square with rainbows, flowers, butterflies and stars - all the ingredients of a great piece of artwork!
And yes my son had a baseball game that day too - a good day all round!
Chalk It Up 2012, Kids Art,

Chalk It Up 2012, Kids Art,

Chalk It Up 2012, Kids Art,

Chalk It Up 2012, Kids Art,

Chalk It Up 2012, Kids Art,

Chalk It Up 2012, Kids Art,