I must apologise, I have badly neglected my blog. I first started blogging back in 2008, blogging mainly about family and treating it as a personal journal. When I started scrapping and getting on teams it seemed easy enough to use the blog as a platform for my layouts. And all was going well when a funny thing happened - I started to get readers and comments. I know I should have been thrilled to have an audience and I was and am thrilled that people were visiting my blog and leaving wonderful comments, but at the same time I began to worry about my posts. Did anyone care that we all had the sniffles in our house or that Nanou was coming to visit again? Suddenly, I found myself very conscience of what I was writing. I even began to doubt my grammar and writing style. So instead of posting more, I dried up!
Over the Christmas period I had a long hard think about this blog and if I would keep it going. I decided I would, but to revamp and come back with a fresh new look for my renewed interest. And that's when my laptop crashed! Typical, huh?
I have my laptop back now but am still waiting for PhotoShop to be installed. So while I'm waiting I will post some layouts that should have found their way here in 2010 and I'll be back very soon to show you what I've been up to while I've been unplugged, but for now I hope you enjoy these layouts.
Gardening - Credits:
Ode to a Muse by Holliewood Studio and Finecrafted Designs
Dear Prudence - Credits:
Ode to a Muse by Holliewood Studio and Finecrafted Designs
Dear Prudence is so engaging and fun! Love the simple colors and humor.