Three Things

I've been avoiding visiting the ScrapbookGraphics website just because I'm trying to curb my spending at the moment, but I found myself having withdrawal symptoms yesterday and just HAD to pay a visit, so here are the three things that just slipped onto my wishlist...

I just LOVE lined notebook paper and scollopped edges. In fact, just the day before I spent over two hours (I kid you not) trying to create a notebook paper with scollopped edges so this paper by Traci Simms appeals to me in everyway. I can't believe I didn't see it in the store before now.

Along a similar line this paper collection by Michelle Godin appealed to me - I can't resist all those lovely lined papers with the coordinating funky colours.
And then if I was wondering what to do with all that paper I stumbled across this template by Janet Phillips.

OMG, I just love her sample layouts shown with this template. This is now my new project. I can't wait to get home, download and start playing. So if I don't post for a while hopefully it's because I'm busy with my mini summer layouts!

What's on my Desktop?

The photos are from July - how quickly our everyday moments become our memories...

Where's Mommy?

I get home around 9.15am, and Joshua is in his room but still awake.

Carl said he wouldn't play and then wouldn't drink his milk and kept asking 'Where's mommy? Is mommy in England?'

He's a little boy who's out of his routine and missing his mommy.

Of course, I go up and see him when I hear this. And he's like 'Ah my mommy. My mommy came back for her Joshee!!!' And I'm thinking 'Oh I'll never leave you again, my Joshee!!!'

Then he had to tell me exactly what books daddy had read - Curious George, Stinky Face and Twinkle Twinkle and then he showed me exactly how he'd eaten his tea and exactly how he had put his noodles in his mouth… then he rolled over and went to sleep…

Golf Clubs

We brought Joshua his first set of golf clubs on Sunday. I don't know who was more excited Joshua or his dad! I have some very cute photos of them both on the putting green to post when I get time.

My First Element

I spent most of yesterday feeling overwhelmed and wondering if this whole scrapbooking and photoshop thing was too much for me. Even tho I spend most of my day at work on a pc I feel it's a huge learning curve. I guess, I'm just too impatient but yesterday I was thinking am I ever gonna get the hang of this. And then guess what? I went home turned on the laptop, opened up PhotoShop and managed to make my very first element! See the little butterfly made from notebook paper with the drop shadow up there on my title bar? Well, that's it! I was very pleased with myself. I'd like to offer it up here as a freebie, but that's another step on the learning curve.

Thanks for reading,


First PhotoShop Layouts

I'm a complete PhotoShop newby. I wouldn't have even been able to open a new document if it wasn't for Amanda Taylor's beginner's tutorial, so a big thank you to Amanda. You can find her blog here. If you're a beginner like me I urge you to take a look, I'm sure you'll find some interesting and helpful stuff.

The title and photo image I managed to do using the tutorial from August/September's Digital Scrapbooking magazine which you can find here.

The fonts are Impact and Lainie Day and the background paper is Taylormade's Casually Blending in paper kit. As a first attempt I couldn't be happier with them.

I'm convinced, if I can do it anyone can do it. Let me know if you give it a try.

Now I've found myself with several files for one layout - a psd file, a high res jpeg file, a low res jpeg file and a jpeg in 4x6 borderless photo format coz that's the only photo paper I had to hand and just couldn't wait to print it out - Eeekkk, that's FOUR files for one layout???

How am I gonna keep track of all this stuff? I'm off to try and find some info on file organization.

Thanks for reading,
