Today while on Amazon I came across 'Things I have learnt in my life so far' by Stefan Sagmeister. There's an interactive website you can get to by clicking here.
I really like the entry called 'Home can be more than one Place'.
It struck me as being very true. I love my life in California, who wouldn't with sunshine and beaches, but I struggle with homesickness. My heart is also in London where I spent almost fourty years! And then I realised I'm so lucky - I have not one but TWO homes...
I really like the entry called 'Home can be more than one Place'.
It struck me as being very true. I love my life in California, who wouldn't with sunshine and beaches, but I struggle with homesickness. My heart is also in London where I spent almost fourty years! And then I realised I'm so lucky - I have not one but TWO homes...

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